Caritas Plymouth Newsletter
Our Quarterly update on all things Caritas
Caritas Launched in early May, and we come to you with the newest update on everything Caritas Plymouth. Just click the link below to go to newsletter.
We expect these newsletters to be released around 4 times a year so check back regularly to see any other updates.
Many Thanks
News and events from Caritas Plymouth
Ending Child Poverty – A Call to Action
“We need to see each child as a gift to be welcomed, cherished and protected.” Pope Francis Child poverty levels have remained alarmingly high over the last decade. Caritas Plymouth supports the call from the Catholic Bishops' Conference (CBCEW) to lift the...
Plymouth Diocese Launches New Pilgrims Passport for Jubilee Year
In this Jubilee Year - a special year of forgiveness and reconciliation, in which people are invited to come back into right relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation, Plymouth Diocese has launched a new Pilgrims of Hope passport inviting...
A Pastoral Letter For The Feast Of The Holy Family and Opening Of The Jubilee Year from our Diocesan Administrator Canon Paul Cummins
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In today’s psalm, we heard; ‘Blessed are the people whose strength is in you, whose heart is set on pilgrim ways.’ On this Feast of the Holy Family, the scripture readings remind us that we are all pilgrims in life, much like...