Caritas Modern Slavery Event All Links and information Caritas Modern Slavery took place on March 7th at St. Boniface College in Plymouth. Representatives from the Medaille Trust, Apostleship of the Sea and the Border Force shared information about their work and...
New Caritas Manager Appointed Deborah Fisher OBE to join the Curia A new, full time Caritas Manager has been appointed. Deborah Fisher OBE has a wealth of experience in the charitable sector and was a Trustee of the Diocesan Trust for four years. She currently has a...
Diocese appoints Chief Operating Officer and new Moderator of the Curia The Diocese has created the new post of Chief Operating Officer and appointed Anthony Akinpelu to the new role. Fr Kieran Kirby has also been appointed as our new Moderator of the Curia. In a...
80 New Pupil Chaplains Commissioned by Bishop Mark 80 New Pupil Chaplains with Canon Mark O’Keefe and Sr Judith Russi (Educare UK) in Plymouth Cathedral Canon Mark welcomed CAST pupils from all over the diocese as he led a special service in the Cathedral...
Community Sponsorship Please contact Zoe at or 01364 645421 for more information. The first diocesan Community Sponsorship application has been submitted to the Home Office to resettle a refugee family in Sidmouth. It is hoped that the family...