Why Mary Matters!
From the earliest days of our childhood, the image and the prayer surrounding the Blessed Virgin Mary, has in many ways been the backdrop of our lives.
Catholic homes made a special place for her and honoured her through the recitation of the rosary and “May processions” culminating in the crowning of her statute in our schools and in our churches.
Trying to explain why she matters is like saying why breathing matters! Because for us she is the Mother of Our Blessed Lord, she is the smiling face of joy and serenity, she is by her son’s command, our mother given to us on the cross by Jesus who looked down and saw his mother below. John 19:25-27
If we have a sense of being cared for and being carried, then we have an inkling of what Mary can and does do for us. The best qualities of a mother, the nurturing, the watchful eye, the sage advice, the joy of a mother is what matters for us. Her place in heaven guarantees us an ear to the creator. Our need to be held tenderly in a loving embrace is her mantle of protection. Her calm amid turmoil, change and tragedy all help us remain focused on the Way, who is her Son. I am the Way the Truth and the Life: John 14:6
We pray Hail Mary, full of grace! What grace, what love is poured out of her heart for her Son, and for us as her children. Imagine how precious a child is to a Mother, and then appreciate the gift of being so precious in the sight of God. Mary Our Mother, pray for us!
During the month of May, we crown you as our Queen, our beautiful Mother, who is so deserving of our love. Pray for us… Queen of May.