Caritas Plymouth will be holding an event on Saturday 9th October from 10.30-3pm at St Rita’s Centre in Honiton to prepare for World Day of the Poor which takes place in November. All are warmly welcome. The event includes lunch and refreshments.

Pope Francis has said that this year’s theme will be ‘The poor you will always have with you.’ Mark 14:7. This free event will include sharing thoughts and ideas about how we are reaching out to the poor and whether we need to take a different approach to poverty.

Speakers include Bishop Mark O’Toole and Raymond Friel from the Caritas Social Action Network.

We will follow best practice guidance on Covid safety measures in place at the time. To reduce crowding, spaces are limited so booking is essential.

You can register for the event here or email or phone 01364 645421 for a paper registration form.