Swanage Primary Students Compose Songs

During the autumn term, Years 5 and 6 have been working together, with award-winning composer David Fawcett, to write lyrics and compose music for two new songs.  Year 5 used our school motto – Be loving and truthful – and the Gospel values as themes for their lyrics while year 6 used Pope Francis’ letter to the world, Laudato Si, as their inspiration.  Both songs were premiered at our Carol Service and it is hope that they will be used in the worship life of the school for many years to come.


News and events from across the diocese

Plymouth Diocese Launches New Pilgrims Passport for Jubilee Year 

Plymouth Diocese Launches New Pilgrims Passport for Jubilee Year 

In this Jubilee Year - a special year of forgiveness and reconciliation, in which people are invited to come back into right relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation, Plymouth Diocese has launched a new Pilgrims of Hope passport inviting...

Jubilee 2025 – A focus on Modern Slavery – Event on 13 February

Jubilee 2025 – A focus on Modern Slavery – Event on 13 February

On Thursday 13th February, Caritas Diocese of Plymouth will be holding an event at  Holy Family Catholic Church Hall, 274 Beacon Park Road, Plymouth, PL2 3JR to celebrate the Feast of St Bakhita and to reflect on how we can prevent modern slavery in our communities....

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