The Season of Creation is an ecumenical celebration which runs from 1 September to 4 October. During the Season of Creation, we are invited to pray, act and focus on the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor – to listen to those whose voices are less heard; to pray for those individuals, communities, species, and ecosystems which are lost and those whose livelihoods are threatened by climate change.
In his message for 2023, Pope Francis urges “With the help of God’s grace, let us adopt lifestyles marked by less waste and unnecessary consumption, especially where the processes of production are toxic and unsustainable. Let us be as mindful as we can about our habits and economic decisions so that all can thrive – our fellow men and women wherever they may be, and future generations as well. Let us cooperate in God’s ongoing creation through positive choices: using resources with moderation and a joyful sobriety, disposing and recycling waste, and making greater use of available products and services that are environmentally and socially responsible.”
There are a number of ways we can take action and Caritas Plymouth offer some suggestions in a poster you are welcome to share in your parish and below:
Pray: Host a parish or ecumenical prayer service that unites all Christians to care for our common home. Caritas Plymouth in partnership with CAFOD Plymouth has sent materials to all parishes.
Invite people to come together to reflect on care for our common home and what we can all do to be stewards of creation. Caritas Diocese of Plymouth may be able to help with funding for refreshments and speakers (email Organise a screening of Pope Francis’ film ‘The Letter’.
Advocate: Raise your voice for climate justice by joining an ongoing campaign, such as CAFOD’s Fix the Food System
Promote the Laudato Si’ Action Platform as a means for people to reflect on their lifestyle and make plans to change for the common good.
A further source of ideas and information is the Season of Creation website.