The 19th November is Safeguarding Sunday.  This is an awareness-raising national campaign organised by the Christian safeguarding charity Thirtyone:eight. It is a day where we will join with other churches across the UK to highlight the importance of protecting children, young people and adults at risk.  

Sadly, the church has often failed to protect people from abuse, which has had a devastating and long-term impact on the lives of those who have been hurt and abused.  The church is now working hard to create communities that are safe for everyone.

As well as being a time for acknowledging the failures of the church, this is also a day for recognising all the good work being done in our parishes to make our church a safe place for all, and for demonstrating a commitment to creating safer parish communities.   We are particularly thankful to our Parish Safeguarding Representatives who generously volunteer their time for this important role in their church.  

If you have been impacted by abuse and would like to speak to someone about this, please contact the Safeguarding Officer on 01364 645430 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm).  You can also find details of local and national organisations that can support you on our website by clicking HERE


A prayer for Safeguarding Sunday

Dear God,
Help us to be a church that:
Loves, welcomes, protects.
Listens, learns, serves.
Repents, restores, transforms.
Values, cares, believes.
God of Justice and compassion, hear our prayer.
Help us, heal us, guide us, we pray.
In Jesus name.