The theme for Racial Justice Sunday is: “Seeing one another in the life of the Church”.
It is important to recognise that we are all children of God, regardless of our race and background. This year’s theme seeks to promote reflection, discussion and action on our theme and to encourage us to carry this through in the weeks and months after Racial Justice Sunday.
This year we are celebrating the diversity of those who have led holy and exemplary lives. Our Catholic saints walked in this world as we do and were men and women of heroic virtue that can intercede for us to bring our prayers to the Lord. The Catholic Bishops Conference have produced some posters and materials for parishes.
Caritas Diocese of Plymouth has resources to support parishes wishing to explore the topic of racial justice and can help organise meetings or events. Please contact for more information.
On 8 February we are also celebrating the Feast of St Bakhita with a Caritas event at Abbey Road in Torquay exploring the theme of modern slavery and how we are called to respond. Please sign up to join us from 10.30-12.30 followed by lunch.
Praying for Racial Justice
God of light and truth,
you call all men and women to live lives of holiness and justice.
Help us to see in one another: a heart which is tender, a mind which is humble
and a care for our brothers and sisters;
so that together we may build up the Body of Christ as a sign of hope and mercy for all.
We make this prayer through Jesus our Lord.