On March 2nd over 120 people gathered together at Buckfast Abbey for Inspire, a unique and uplifting Christian Music Festival for young people aged 13-25 that featured nationally acclaimed bands including One Hope Project, and inspiring speakers including Fr Ignatius Raj, a priest here in our diocese.

Here is a short video created by Youth Events Lead Saskia that captures the essence of the event :Inspire (youtube.com)

Below is a reflection by a young person from Sidmouth who attended the event, and two poems, one crafted by one of the captivating speakers, Emeka, and one written and contributed by Fiona Hutchings, Chaplain at St Boniface Catholic College.

Inspire was honestly such a good experience, bearing in mind that it was the first ever one first of all we are all glad we went to it and also it was amazing or should we say quite inspiring! We would definitely recommend our friends and families to go next time because we know they would love it! Iona and Danielle’s speeches were particularly inspiring as it shed a new light for us and it made us see that people can really change by God’s grace. We found the poems and songs from Emeka really cool and felt that it truly came from the heart -for all three speakers we actually felt like it came from the heart and not just memorised notes, which really made us feel included. All the wonderful music and songs really made us feel happy to be there and It made us feel closer to God. Emeka’s journey was really inspiring to listen to.


A Poem and Prayer by Fiona Hutchings:

Hands clapping in praise.

Hands raised in prayer.

Hands clasped in adoration.

Heads up and singing

Heads bowed and praying

Minds thoughtful and listening.

Testimony, witness.

Personal stories. Lives touched.

Memories made. Faith fanned by the flames

Of the Holy Spirit.

Powerfully loud. Profoundly silent.

Incense rises. Peace descends.

Searching for words to describe Inspire.

Not my words but theirs. The ones who came.

The ones who answered the call.

‘Energetic, Magical, Beautiful, Spiritual

Angelic, Cool, Musical, Encouraging.

The best thing ever. Close, Intimate. Personal.’


Come Holy Spirit continue to send us prophets.

Bring your work to fruition in us.

Give us the confidence to use our gifts.

Bless, guide and inspire the young. Amen.


Poetry by Emeka, one of the speakers at Inspire:

Inspire to be inspired I came to inspire but I get inspired, the spirit of God moves like a fire and those speakers gosh the words of God like a dragon fire makes you fell on the anointing and your spirit elevate higher no other power is greater than the most high Jesus Christ! He is the messiah the only man that walked on top of water, he feed 5,000 people with 2 fish’s and 5 loaves of bread, wow! He spoke to 5,000 people without a megaphone that was undisputed power, he heal the sick raised the dead, he died for your sin so that you will be clean oh, my people of Christ clap for Jesus Christ for he has paid the price for you and I to be alive. my brothers and sisters what will u lose if you live and give your life to Christ. This is the gathering to be, the gathering of safety, peace, hope, to teach the young people, the future of tomorrow, teach them the love of Christ to channel them to the right path, to grow with words of God and never depart from it. They will be filled by the spirit of God and drink from the water of life that will quench their test till the kingdom comes. Drop your bothers, come and you will be inspired by the spirit of your heavenly father.


Images featured courtesy of Tanya Trevena.