Caritas Plymouth’s vision is ‘to live the Gospel by following Christ’s command to love our neighbour as He Loved us’.  Our focus is on encouraging parishes, schools and communities to undertake acts of charity, which is at the heart of the Church’s social doctrine. We want work with others to put the Church’s social teaching into action.  Social action gives real substance to our personal relationship with God and with neighbour (Caritas in Veritate #2) but needs to be practised in the light of truth.  Truth is the light that gives meaning and value to charity – both the light of reason and the light of faith.

We have created a very short document setting out the priority activities of Caritas Plymouth in the coming years. We would love to hear your views.

Caritas Plymouth is a small team of staff and volunteers.  If you would like to support our work to proclaim the truth of Christ’s love in society  through service to the most poor and vulnerable – please get in touch with