The Roman Catholic Diocese of Plymouth has received a further £40,000 in February 2021 from the Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation to provide support to individuals and families struggling with financial hardship due to the current pandemic. This money is part of a second donation generously given to the Catholic Church in England and Wales. An amazing gift to support those in most need. The distribution of the funds will be managed by Caritas Plymouth. 

Bishop Mark O’Toole welcomed the donation: ‘We are immensely thankful for this second, very generous grant that the Diocese of Plymouth has received from the Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation.  We know from our work in 2020, that the ongoing pandemic is having a negative impact on everyone, but in particular on individuals and families who are struggling financially.  May the Lord continue to bless the Gubay family for their continued commitment to providing practical support to those most in need at this time.’

Caritas Plymouth will distribute funds in two ways:

Support for organisations providing food hampers or vouchers – this will be managed by Caritas Plymouth. More details can be obtained from or by calling 01364 645421 Applications will only be accepted from organisations and not from individuals.

Grants for essential items for families (managed by the Catholic Children’s Society (Plymouth). More details can be obtained from or by calling 01364 645420.

These funds are time limited and not for ongoing support needs.  The funds will be closed to new applications when all the funding has been allocated and at the latest by June 2021.