Welcome from Canon Paul

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God Romans 15:7

Canon Paul Cummins

Thank you for visiting our diocesan website.

We invite you to experience the joy of Christ in our diocese, which spans 226 miles covering the counties of Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. There are 102 churches and chapels stretching from the Holy Family parish in Penwith, (that includes Penzance, St Ives, Hayle and the Isles of Scilly), in the west, to parts of Bournemouth in the east.

Jesus commanded us to “love one another: just as I have loved you” and we seek to offer this sentiment to you whether you are a member of our diocesan family, or you are from other faith or none or just seeking information. You are in my prayers. And I ask you to keep me in yours!

Your brother and servant in Christ.

Paul Cummins

Jubilee 2025 – Pigrims of Hope

2025 will be a year of Jubilee, as decided by the Holy Father.  ‘Restoring a climate of hope and trust’, preluding ‘renewal and rebirth’ Pope Francis 2023

News and events from across the diocese

Connect and engage

Please sign up to the newsletter link below to receive regular updates about the Diocese and spiritual reflections.

Lourdes pilgrimage 2024

Come and join our Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes 26th July to 1st August 2024

Spread the word

Join evangelists and share the word of God with a friend. Enter their email address and we’ll send them an email introducing our community.

* We’ll only contact them once. If they don’t want in, no problem.

Let us pray for you

Fill out the following form and one of our religious houses will receive your request for prayer.

Life’s Calling…

Your life has a great purpose.  Do you know what it is?
We are here to help you on this journey.