Robert Brown, the Safeguarding Coordinator, and Fr Mark Skelton, the Clergy Lead for Safeguarding, attended a training day at the end of July entitled, ‘Understanding and working with male survivors of childhood sexual abuse’.  The training was run by MoMENtum, an organisation that provide support for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

The day included a performance by actor and theatre director Patrick Sandford, of his play ‘Groomed’.  This portrays the feelings, confusions and experiences of an abused boy who is now an adult.  The play is hard-hitting and contains some challenging themes that may be hard to watch.  It also focuses on a number of messages that are important to hear about the lasting impact of abuse on those who have been hurt.

The 55 minute performance can be viewed online for a small fee of £5 at Soho Theatre on Demand –

The Synodal Journey highlighted the issue of abuse and the importance of listening to those who have been hurt.  The performance of ‘Groomed’ is “Honest and provocative but never depressing, three poignant narratives are brought together to show how, when a story is told, it can save your life.” (Soho Theatre).


If you would like to talk to someone about hurt or abuse that you have experienced please contact the Safeguarding Office on 01364 645430.  Or, visit our website for details of organisations that can provide support by clicking HERE