
Caring for those in our care

Safer Recruitment for Church Ministries

Safer Recruitment and DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks are required for parishioners who carry out roles/ministries where they work with children, young people and/or adults at risk.  For example, Youth Leaders, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and Altar Servers.  DBS checks (where required) must be completed prior to commencing the role/ministry.

Some roles/ministries do not require volunteers to have a DBS check, but may still require them to complete the Safer Recruitment process.  For example, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who only carry out this role during Mass (and do not visit people in their homes).  Again, this process must be completed prior to commencing the role/ministry.

The Safer Recruitment and DBS check processes allow us to make safer decisions about who to recruit to particular roles, and help to prevent unsuitable individuals from working with children, young people and/or adults at risk.  A DBS check allows us to confirm whether there is any reason as to why a person may not be appropriate for the role that they have volunteered to do.  Recruiting the right people to roles in our parishes helps to ensure that everyone is safe from being harmed.

For more information about what is involved in the Safer Recruitment and DBS check processes please click HERE

As well as completing the Safer Recruitment process, roles/ministries that involve working with children, young people and/or adults at risk also require volunteers to complete safeguarding training prior to starting in their role.  You can find role descriptions, including the DBS check and training requirements HERE

Parish Safeguarding Representatives are appointed in every parish and assist the Diocesan Safeguarding Office with the processing of DBS checks, as well as helping to ensure safe practice in their parish community.  To find out more about the role and function of Parish Safeguarding Representatives please click HERE