Justice and Peace

Mission Statement

“Man receives from God his essential dignity and with it the capacity to transcend every social order so as to move towards truth and goodness, but he is also conditioned by the social structure in which he lives, by the education he has received, and his environment. These elements can either hinder or help his living in accordance with the truth. The decisions which can create a human environment can give rise to specific structures of sin which impede the full realisation of those who are in any way oppressed by them. To destroy such structures and replace them with more authentic forms of living in community is a task which demands courage and patience.” (Centesimus Annus 38)”

To assist the people of God in making their own the joys and hopes, the grief and anxiety of the people of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted.” (Gaudium et Spes)

The task of all those who work for Justice and Peace is to promote a contemporary presentation, interpretation and living of the social teaching of the Church; especially that contained in the Papal encyclical “Centesimus Annus” and the Constitution “Gaudium et Spes” of the Second Vatican Council.

Short Term Aims:

  • To help people see the suffering, pain, poverty, injustice and violence in our world at this time, and to educate ourselves and others regarding the underlying causes. By studying the Scriptures and the social teaching of the Church, we seek to clarify and apply our faith to the everyday problems of living.
  • To discover what concrete actions are possible.
  • To develop a clear ecumenical dimension in our work and prayer.

The Commission works for Justice and Peace in four main areas:

  • Issues and projects at home.
  • Work in association with CAFOD.
  • Work in schools.
  • Overseas issues and any other activities concerning the Justice and Peace of Christ.


Caritas Manager

St Boniface House, Ashburton, Newton Abbot, TQ13 7JL

01364 645421
