CCSP Christmas Card on Sale!- Designed by Diocesan School Children CCSP Christmas cards are now available to purchase. The cards have been designed by children in our CAST schools as part of a design competition, with over 300 entrees, from across the diocese. Packs...
Diocesan Award 2019 On Saturday 19th October at Plymouth Cathedral, Bishop Mark welcomed a number of parishioners together with their friends and families for the annual Diocesan Awards Ceremony. These parishioners have been involved in a whole host of initiatives and...
Penzance Crypt Consecration and Grave Blessing On 23rd October, a historic event took place in the parish of Penzance. Bishop Mark celebrated Mass and consecrated the new altar in the newly renovated Crypt Chapel of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady....
WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – “Together we are Mission” World Mission Sunday is one of three events world-wide that will mark our celebration of the Extraordinary Month of Mission 2019. Today our global Church comes together on this special day as Missio asks the...