The Plymouth Diocesan synthesis of the feedback we received during our ‘Walking Together’ was submitted to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales in early April as part of the two-year process requested by Pope Francis for the Catholic Church. Thank you to all those who took part and shared their views. A National Synthesis Team has now started work discerning and drafting the national synthesis for England and Wales that will be sent to the Synod Office in Rome.
The team prepared an ‘initial findings’ report given to the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops’ Conference that met in Cardiff from 2 – 6 May. On 1 June a national synod gathering of bishops and lay people will meet to consider the first draft of the national synthesis. Bishop Mark, Canon John Deeny and Deborah Fisher (Diocesan co-contacts) plan to attend.
The National Synthesis Team will present a second draft of the national synthesis to an additional Plenary Assembly of the Bishops’ Conference for their consideration. Following this meeting, to be held on 28 June in Westminster, a final draft will be presented to the Bishops for their assent for submission to Rome by the 15 August deadline.
We will circulate the national synthesis as soon as it is published. In the interim, there are some wonderful biblical resources which can be used individually or in groups to continue the synodal reflections at parish level.