“Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, you do to me” Matthew 25:40

Holy Cross Primary School in Plymouth are showing how we can make good use of the earth’s resources and share what we have with others. Like many schools in Plymouth CAST, they go above and beyond to help their local community. They are a wonderful example of faith in action.

The school have created swap sheds to help those in need. These sheds offer parents and parishioners a place to drop off good quality, clean second-hand school uniform and other clothing, books, toys, food and hygiene items on a ‘give what you can, take what you need’ basis. This fosters a culture of reciprocity and is a visible example of the Mission of Charity in the school. The rewards for the children are great, knowing they are helping their school community.

Elena, the parent support adviser at Holy Cross, said “We are seeing more of those who are struggling. They’re just on the edge and do not qualify for benefits and we are trying to help to fill the gaps. It is important to build true relationships with everyone that you meet. It builds trust and people will turn to you when they need something, because they know they can trust you.”

You can read the full case study of this lovely project here

Caritas Diocese of Plymouth supports projects like this and shares good news stories. Please get in touch if you have a request or a story to share caritas@prcdtr.org.uk