Weddings are celebrated all the time in the Church, and they are all wonderful and unique; each one is a joyful, happy and blessed occasion. But the wedding ceremony itself is but the single day – what the Church really wants to celebrate is the marriage of the couple, because that is what lasts day after day, week after week and year after year. A marriage in that sense is a true sign of committed, unqualified love and an openness to the future, whatever it may bring – that makes it a sign of God’s commitment to God’s people – and that is what is truly wonderful and well worth celebrating.
“Married Christians, in virtue of the sacrament of matrimony, signify and share in the mystery of that unity and fruitful love which exists between Christ and his Church; they help each other to attain to holiness in their married life and in the rearing and education of their children; and they have their own special gift among the people of God.”
If you are thinking of getting married, or you want to find out more about how the Catholic church understands this wonderful institution, the first person to approach is your local parish priest – and even if you don’t know him well – or at all – you will find him as someone with whom you can talk these things through.
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