We recently held our annual Parish Safeguarding Representatives Conference and training day at Buckfast Abbey. We had 50 of our Parish Safeguarding Representatives attend, who had travelled from across the diocese.
This year we welcomed Angie and Jason who delivered the first part of Reducing the Risk’s Domestic Abuse Champions Training, along with our Safeguarding Caseworker Rob. The aim is to be the first diocese to have Domestic Abuse Champions as Parish Safeguarding Representatives.
Reducing the Risk is an Oxfordshire based charity who support professionals in Oxfordshire, West Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Torbay. The charity was set up to increase the safety and wellbeing of adults and children at risk through domestic abuse, to protect those who are vulnerable, to strengthen communities to keep people safe and to get agencies working together to support victims and survivors of abuse. Click HERE to visit the Reducing the Risk website for more information.
The day was challenging in parts due to the nature of the topic, but the Parish Safeguarding Representatives in attendance gave excellent feedback. Many expressed that they wanted to finish the training as they took away vital learning so that they can better support victims and survivors in their parishes.
We are very thankful to all of our volunteer Safeguarding Parish Reps across the diocese, who often work ‘behind the scenes’ to help make our parishes and communities safe places for all. It can at times be a challenging role, so we are grateful for all of their hard work and dedication to this essential work.