Caring for our brothers and sisters means caring for the home we share. This responsibility is “essential to a life of virtue” (LS 217).
On 25 May 2021, Pope Francis launched the Laudato Si’ Action Platform – a seven year journey of ecological conversion in action. The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a unique collaboration between the Vatican, an international coalition of Catholic organizations, and “all men and women of good will.” (LS 3) Taking a truly ground-up approach, it is rooted in the strengths and realities of communities around the world, empowering all to take “decisive action, here and now” as we journey towards a better future together. (LS 161).
The seven year journey is inspired by the integral ecological vision of the Encyclical and guided by seven Laudato Si’ goals: Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, Ecological Economics, Simple Lifestyles, Ecological Education, Ecological Spirituality and Community engagement with participatory action.
The Platform hopes to create a people’s movement from below to contribute to the critical mass needed for radical societal transformation. The platform creates a space for the Universal Church to respond to the global emergency we are facing. The site offers concrete, practical expertise on actions that support your progress towards the seven Laudato Si’ Goals.
In the Diocese of Plymouth we are carrying out a range of actions to be good stewards of the earth. If you would like to get more involved or share your thoughts on any of these issues please contact
You can find out more about our own Diocesan work on the environment here.