Extract from the Bishop Antoine Hérouard’s – Apostolic delegate ad nutum Sanctae Sedis for the Santuary Our Lady of Lourdes –  letter to CBCEW June 2021

Fraternal greetings from the Shrine of Our Lady at Lourdes.

I am writing to you perhaps in a more hopeful way than I might have done one year ago. Despite limited access permitted to the Shrine during the pandemic, our prayerful activities never ceased, with many Masses each day as well as a daily rosary from the Grotto livestreamed to millions around the world. Your intentions and those of your flock were remembered in our prayers.

Having said that, surprisingly we still received over a million visitors last year, largely individuals and families who came to Lourdes to find consolation, peace and healing. We realised that, hitherto, this was a section of the population which we at Lourdes had somewhat overlooked if they hadn’t come here as part of a pilgrim group. Going forward we hope to address that gap in our pastoral provision.

To read the letter in full ….Lourdes – Bishop letter to CBCEW June 2021

Lourdes A Campaign for the 21st Century