Easter Passion Play in Torquay

– ‘No name in the streeet’

Performances on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd April at 7.00pm
Tickets adult £5 under 12’s £3
Family ticket £12
(2 adults & 2 or more children)
Tickets available from: the parish office – torquay-abbeyroad@prcdtr.org.uk
Julia Beacroft – julia.beacroft@gmail.com
Susanne Kowal – susanne.kowal@gmail.com
Mary Hawke & Julia Partenheimer – after masses
or on the door on the night

The initiative for hosting a Passion Play was born many months ago and grew out of a desire to evangelise – to spread the Gospel message to Christians, those of little or no faith, to the churched and the unchurched. In fact, the invitation was and is, for all to ‘come and see’.

The one act Passion Play – ‘No Name in the Street’ – is a modern interpretation of one of the greatest acts of sacrifice – ever, and is performed by fourteen members of the parish of The Assumption of Our Lady, Torquay – including their parish priest! Their commitment has been truly inspiring. The crew and direction are also carried out by the parish community.

They would be delighted if you could join them during this last week of the season of Lent on 1st, 2nd & 3rd April at 7.00pm in the church. A great way to start Holy Week.’



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