‘Remember those who are in prison..’ Hebrews 13:3
Pope Francis’ most recent encyclical, ‘Fratelli Tutti’, is devoted to fraternity and social friendship. In the spirit of reaching out to those who are sometimes forgotten, Caritas Plymouth invited parishes to consider writing Christmas cards to prisoners at HMP Channings Wood. We were thrilled that parishioners from All Saints Parish in Teignmouth, Dawlish and Shaldon offered to write over 500 cards. Parish Priest Fr Mark Skelton and his parishioners embraced the challenge as a chance to show love and compassion in action this Advent. The Prison Chaplaincy team are kindly distributing the cards.
Caritas Manager, Deborah Fisher, prays that this inspiring initiative is something that will grow next year to encompass all the prisons in our Diocese. We hope this will offer the opportunity to come together as communities, finding tangible ways to live out the Gospel values so central to our Catholic social teaching.
Thank you to the Catholic Children’s Society, Plymouth, for their generous contribution of cards, some of which are pictured here.
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