The following was originally published on The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales website: ‘The Catholic Bishops of England, Wales and Scotland have issued a statement on Assisted Suicide ahead of the Second Reading of the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life)...
On Sunday 17th November we will join other churches across the UK to highlight the importance of protecting children, young people and adults at risk. Safeguarding Sunday is also an opportunity to celebrate those who work behind the scenes to make our church a safer...
The following information and words of encouragement have been shared by the Catholic Bishops’ of England and Wales. There have been Holy Hours organised across our diocese, which will be synchronised spiritually with that of the Bishops. It it isn’t...
“In the very last few days, concerns have been raised of a personal nature to which I must attend immediately. This will take a little time. “I have therefore agreed with all directly concerned to delay my installation as the new Bishop of Plymouth until these...
Praying for Bishop Philip Our first prayer has been composed by Fr Mark Skelton, Clergy lead for Diocesan Safeguarding. Lord of the vulnerable and wounded, carer of the ones who are hurting, shepherd of the lost and alone, we bring Bishop Philip before you in prayer....
On the 23rd October Bishop Philip our Bishop-elect joined the Canons of the Chapter for a special celebration of Mass and the blessing of a new Icon of St Cuthbert Mayne. The Chapter commissioned the new Icon, which the Sisters of Mary Morning Star from Lynton have...